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A Member's Legal Question
Any lawyers out there? Dianne (Smith) Glei writes: "A friend had a husband put in jail because he molested his children and got out of jail after 6 years of a 12-year sentence because he pleaded guilty to one count of twelve. His former wife who put him in jail moved to San Diego to protect her children., He got out after 6 years. She has never filed for divorce because she is afraid he will find them. She knows where he is because of Megan’s Law. He is in Lodi. She and her children are in the San Diego area. They want her to file for divorce. It’s been 17 years. She is really afraid if she does that he will find them.

"Can she file without him finding out where they are? What are her options. I told her the DB NETWORK COUILD OFFER HER A SOLLUTION. Please give me a name. Mahalo nui loa.

Aloha, Dianne"

Registered users may write to Dianne via her member profile (sign in first). Others may reply to the editor via the Contacts page. Messages germane to the point will be forwarded. -Ed.

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